The Privacy POLICY


Part 1: How do we do with the information that you supply?

To complete transactions, our staff gathers personal data such as names, addresses, and email of those who purchase items from us.

Whenever you use our shop We automatically collect your personal computer\’s Internet Protocol (IP) Address. This lets us collect information on the internet browser you\’re using and your operating systems.

We can send you emails with information about our shop, new products and other information with your permission.


How do I best to obtain my consent?

If you provide personal information to us in order to conduct transactions or to verify the validity of your credit cards, complete an order, schedule delivery or return an item you purchased and you consent to their collection and usage to fulfill this purpose exclusively.

You will be asked to give your consent when you provide the information we request for any other purpose.

Section 3: Disclosure

The information you supply to us could be made public if legally required, or if our Conditions of Service are in violation.


The third-party service providers employ us will typically only gather, store and use your personal information to the extent required to provide our services.

But some of the third-party service providers such as payment gateways, or other payment processors could have guidelines regarding privacy with respect to the information we\’re required to provide to them.

We suggest that you go over the privacy policies of these service providers so that you understand how your information will be used by them.

It is crucial to keep in mind that certain service providers could be located, or even have their own facilities located in jurisdictions or countries which is not your own. If you choose to complete a transaction involving the services of third party providers Your personal information could be subject to law in the jurisdictions in which the provider of services is based or has facilities.


The reasonable measures we take to ensure that the information you provide us with will not be misused or stolen are backed according to industry standards.

Your credit card data is saved in an encrypted format of AES-256 with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). We adhere to the PCI-DSS as well as other industry standard requirements, even though no electronic transmission or storage method can be 100% secure.


This website is intended for those who have reached the age that is legal to be legally able to do that in the state where they have residency.